[Green Templeton College看的公开放映] 记得以前高考考名著阅读骆驼祥子的标准答案是“反映了腐朽的封建社会不给好人出路”这就是我今天看这个片子最大的感受我一直在想李被啪漫画羞羞漫画如果不是一个trans或者用他自己的话“人妖”那他的生活会不会这么惨虽然他有酗酒吸毒的毛病但是勤劳善良从来没有想过要伤害别人去偷去抢(despite他老爸贩卖人口判死刑)到底什么逼到他这个样子这两天发生太多事情 一直懊恼自己读书顶个鸟用现在突然想到之前项飚老师招Dphil的里面写的"Curiosity is not enough. You need to have some concerns and, even better, a bit of anger" 读书可能还是有用 还是读书吧
4.5 stars. Vincent Gallo is v. talented. It's rare to see a debut as refined and mature as this one. (Bottle Rocket cannot compare for that matter.) The singing and tap dancing recalled David Lynch (not sure if it was intended). The part he gave Goon the code was esp. moving.